Frequently asked questions

Home /Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know before you begin our journey with us. You can browse through the below topics to find what you’re looking for.
For any further queries please feel free to contact our Smile Assessment Specialist at 8882429943.

What all smile problems does LoveMySmile cover?

LoveMySmile has a wide range of products to create perfect teeth and smile by correcting crooked teeth, missing tooth replacement, misaligned teeth, discolored teeth, teeth whitening solutions etc.

Till what age can I get my smile corrected?

You’re never too old or young to start smile correction. We have customers as young as 13 years going up to the age of 55 years.

What is the cost of smile correction?

While there is no price one can put for a beautiful smile, the smile correction starts from Rs. 25000 and we offer zero cost EMIs to make it affordable for everyone.

How does smile correction happen at home?

LoveMySmile follows a proprietary 5 step smile design process starting with 3D imaging at the comfort of your home. The scan is used to design your perfect smile that you can see beforehand. Our smile experts will then consult and deliver your custom based product at your doorstep. For fitting you may need to visit our partner clinics. All along your smile journey, our experts will guide you.

What happens after I have taken ‘smile assessment test’?

After you have taken the 30s assessment test, you receive an email from LoveMySmile team on the next steps and a call is scheduled in the next 24-48 hours.

Does a Licensed Doctor or Orthodontist review my case?

We have 700+ internationally accredited dentists at our partner clinics that would be overlooking your case.


What are clear aligners?

In human terms, Clear Aligners are Invisible Braces. (In robot terms, clear aligners are transparent custom-made 3D printed trays made of special biocompatible polyurethane resin which is used to straighten teeth). Clear aligners work just like regular wired braces but they are invisible, so it feels like magic.

Who are they suited for?

The magic of aligners works for anyone between 13 to 55 years of age.

Why aligners?

Because they’re very cool!
On a serious note, aligners are customized for everyone and can correct a variety of misalignments with the treatment duration ranging anywhere between 4 – 18 months.

What are aligners made of?

Its made of Gold Standard Modified thermoplastic Poly-urethane resin which is BPA free material

Are aligners painful to wear?

Our aligners are the most comfortable of all the orthodontic treatments and are completely hassle free when it comes to daily use or maintenance. During the initial period, some people may experience mild discomfort or pain for a few days but the same should subside once the person gets more accustomed to using aligners.

How are aligners different from braces ?

  • Aligners are customized clear trays wheras Braces can be metallic or tooth colored.
  • Aligners are removable, hence it can be removed while eating, Braces are fixed
  • In Aligner treatment before after results can be shown via software even before starting the treatment
  • Aligners being removable are easy to maintatin oral hygeine
  • Clinical visits are reduced to minimum in aligner treatments

What is an Impression kit?

It contatins impression making clay along with the mould in which the tooth size can be recorded. It contains all the instructions on how to make good impressions.

How does Smile Science work?

It works on 3D modelling and designing where the software enables the doctor to plan the tooth movements as per requirement and then replicate the same in aligner sets. As the patient wears the aligners subsequent movement is undertaken by the teeth as per the plan.

During Treatment

How much do invisible aligners cost?

While there is no price one can put for a beautiful smile, the smile correction starts from Rs. 25000 and we offer zero cost EMIs to make it affordable for everyone.

Can the dentist come home for the fitting?

The dentist visits home for scanning and consultation, however fitting of aligners is a clinical proces which needs to be done in a clinical environment.

What if I lose an aligner?

Wear the previous set and inform the clinic, the clinical team will guide you through the next steps.

How often should I wear my aligners?

It should be worn every day for minimum 20-22 hrs and changed according to Orthodontis's direction

What’s next after I’ve done my impressions?

Once impressions are done and sent to LMS team, it is scanned and before-after simulation reports are shared with the patient. This will help in understanding the scope of treatment.

Post Treatment

Do I have to wear a retainer after treatment?

Yes its mandatory to retain the final tooth positions

How much time will it take to straighten the teeth?

The time taken to get the perfectly aligned teeth varies from case to case. It can take anywhere from 4 months to 18 months depending on the degree of correction required. Luckily for you, our team at LoveMySmile is ready to treat any and every kind of case of varying complexities.


What is a good age to get braces?

Early ages are more suitable but can be done at any age.

Is it painful to put braces?

No, however initially one might feel mild discomfort.

How much do braces cost?

Braces usually range from Rs. 27000 goes up to Rs. 90000 depending on the treatment proposed.

During Treatment

What can I not eat or drink with braces?

Avoid chewing/ biting on hard food preparations like candies, popcorns, hard nuts, bones etc Sticky substances like chewing-gum, eclairs
Avoid drinking too much tea, coffee/soft drinks as it leads to stains

Do and don'ts of braces?

  • Extra care in maintaining oral hygiene
  • Regular check up with the Orthodontist
  • Follow Orthodontist’s instructions
  • Bite/chew on hard food/sticky food
  • play contact sports
  • bite your nails/pen/pencils
  • Drink too much tea, coffee/soft drinks as it leads to stains

What do I do if one of the wire of my braces breaks?

It is not a common occurrence, however, if it does happen reach your Orthodontist for an appointment. In case, it is not possible on urgent basis use the orthodontic wax provided and cover the sharp edges of the wire/ bracket as explained by your dentist/Orthodontist.


How much do implants cost?

Good quality Implant costs range from Rs. 25000- Rs. 50000 depending on the brand chosen.

What are the types of implants?

Types can vary depending on the quality and nature of treatment

Are teeth implants painful?

The implant placement procedure is done under anesthesia, which makes it a comfortable and painless procedure

What is the average lifespan of a dental implant?

They are supposed to last life long if maintained well

Do teeth implants last forever?

Yes if the patient maintains oral hygeine and comply to the instructions given

Do dental implants look real?

Yes its very similar to a natural tooth and one cant make out a difference between a natural tooth and implant easily.

During Treatment

How can I ensure my implants last for a longer time?

By following simple steps and precautions the life span of Implant can be maintained; a thorough medical and bone check-up is required to understand the bone health for the implant. Thus, do not hesitate when your dentist prescribes you multiple tests.
Key factors for healthy implant

  • Maintain Oral Hygiene (very critical).
  • Follow proper protocols shared by your specialist before/during/after the procedure.
  • Regular follow -ups with specialists.

Get in Touch Now!

Ring us at 011-6932-8350 or drop us a mail at
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